Why Should You See an Endodontist?

Endodontists are dental specialists who are highly trained in diagnosing and treating tooth pain and performing root canal treatments. Learn why your dentist may refer you to an endodontist for treatment.

Why Should You See an Endodontist?

Endodontists are dental specialists who are highly trained in diagnosing and treating tooth pain and performing root canal treatments. They have received three or more years of advanced endodontic education after general dental school, making them experts in finding the cause of oral and facial pain, treating traumatic tooth injuries, diagnosing broken teeth, and performing other procedures that save teeth. In general, an endodontist has performed far more root canal treatments than a general dentist and may have access to better or more specialized tools and technology than a general dentist. This is why many dentists refer their patients to an endodontist for treatment.

There are several situations where even a dentist with root canal experience can recommend that a patient visit an endodontist for treatment. These include when a patient needs to have a root canal done on a molar, when the cause of oral or facial pain needs to be diagnosed, when a traumatic tooth injury needs to be treated, or when a broken tooth needs to be diagnosed. If your dentist has referred you to an endodontist, it is important to understand why they have done so. Endodontists are experts in saving teeth and can provide the best care for your dental needs.

Hillary Ackroyd
Hillary Ackroyd

Professional tvaholic. General beer fanatic. . Evil tv practitioner. Award-winning explorer.

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